Sagamu no kuni no miyatsuko (regional governor in ancient Japan) (相武国造)

Sagamu no kuni no miyatsuko (also known as Sagamu kokuzo) was a kuni no miyatsuko ruled the east part of Sagami Province.


Isetsuhiko. He is reputedly a son of the god of Izumo, and the name of Isetsuhiko is said to be a pseudonym of Takenamikatanokami. It is said that his grandson Ototakehiko was appointed Sagamu no kuni no miyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Seimu. "Kojiki" describes that Sagamu no kuni no miyatsuko plotted to burn Yamatotakeru no mikoto to death but defeated instead.


The Urushibe clan. Or, the Mibu clan. In either case, Kabane was Atai.


The east part of Sagami Province. The east part of present Kanagawa Prefecture.

Local tutelar deity

Probably the Samukawa-jinja Shrine.

[Original Japanese]